Christmas Tombola 003: Kendra

This December, I’m sharing 31 things that I like. This is number 03.

Kendra is probably my favourite person on Twitter. I don’t know her and I don’t know anything about her, but she makes me laugh more often than anyone else in my feed.

To ruin the joke a little, you need to read everything in a Glaswegian accent. I just realised that her tweets might be incomprehensible without that starting point.

To ruin it completely:

lit = like
a = I
am = I'm
mwi = mad with it

My Blog Now Has A Twitter Feed

Twitter Transform
I have created a Twitter feed that will automatically link to new blog posts. If you would like to be notified when I write stuff, please follow @galletlyblog.

This is an unobtrusive service that only tweets once per update (I don't want to spam anyone). It is completely robotic and won't do anything beyond this simple task. It wont get offended if you unfollow it and probably won't answer back if you talk to it.

As always, I'm @davidgalletly on Twitter and my RSS feed is alive and kicking for adding my blog to a reader.