What I Wore Today 1

What I Wore Today 1

Recently I've put on a little weight, got myself all unfit and lost my enthusiasm for drawing due to doubting my abilities. I'm at a low, you could say.

This doubt is further exasperated by the fact that, after my unplanned break from drawing, I'm rusty. Drawing rusty is frustrating. It makes you hate drawing. A classic vicious catch-22.

So, after recieving a new sketchbook for my birthday, I've decided to give it another go. To draw just for the sake of it. To forget the mistakes and concentrate on the process. I have tried this before, and failed, so I dunno if it will work. I hope it will.

This drawing is for the brilliant Flickr group, What I Wore Today (in drawings) started by the fantastic illustrator, Gemma Correll. I have done better, I have done worse.